Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ok, Here It Is

The official three month belly picture! I had Josh take it this weekend, and I had him do it up close, cause I didn't want the rest of my body showing. Anyway, I think this picture makes me look bigger than I actually am, but whatever, I'll be getting bigger, so it doesn't really matter. And I don't normally wear clothes this tight, so my belly still stays pretty hidden to people at church and stuff. It depends what I'm wearing sometimes too. Sometimes my pants kind of hold it in, and my shirts are usually loose, so I'm not bursting at the seams yet :). I'll try to post a belly picture each month so you can watch me grow! Well, technically you're watching my baby grow, but you get the idea. The baby's three inches long right now and about the size of a peach. Pretty cool, huh? Oh, and get this, I haven't gained any weight yet! I lost about three pounds in the first trimester, and I've just been hovering around those numbers for many weeks. I guess it's better than gaining too much too fast, right?

Let's see, any other baby news? Sometimes my belly feels heavy, so I can only imagine what it'll be like in five or six months. And the other night I had trouble sleeping, so I rolled over onto my tummy to get me relaxed, but it was a bad idea. It hurt! It felt like there was this huge uncomfortable lump in the bed. So no more tummy sleeping for me for a while. Bummer :(


Eden said...

Oh!!!! I love your belly pic!!! I'm so looking forward to seeing your belly/baby grow as the months go on.

Good job on not gaining any weight!!

Love you guys!!!

Sara said...

Awwww, look at your awesome belly! I liked it when I got to the point where it was obvious that I was pregnant--up until then, I just felt fat.

That's great that you haven't gained any weight yet! That whole "eating for 2" thing doesn't make a lot of sense when you think of how tiny Fishy is. ;)

I remember reading somewhere that you're not supposed to sleep on your belly when you're pregnant--and it makes sense. "They" say you're supposed to sleep on your left side--which was perfect for me, since that's the way I normally sleep anyway! They make these awesome body pillows you can buy too, to help support your belly when you get bigger. I never got one, but I sure drooled over them--they look totally comfy. :)

Dave + Jess said...

Too cute!! Nice job on the no-weight-gain. I remember D telling me, when he was on his OB-GYN rotation, that people really get the wrong idea about eating for two. You only need something like an extra granola bar a day for the first few months, and not much more your last few months. It really shoots down the excuse for eating more...unfortunately!

Anonymous said...

Great belly pics!!!!!!!!!! It's going to be fun seeing you & your baby grow!!!!!!!!!!!! I also can't wait to see you @ Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way I only gained 20 pounds with Steve & my doctor was very pleased compared to the 43 pounds I gained with Dave! Good job on not gaining weight yet, you're off to a great start!

Unknown said...

Hi Mar! Luv ur "baby bump" pic! It brings back a lot of memories when I was pregnant w/ Dylan. Enjoy this special time in ur life. Luv ya!

Nicole V.

Christi said...

Love the pic!! Don't worry - it won't be long and everyone at church will be noticing how big you are and it won't matter what you're wearing!! :-) Way to go on not gaining weight!! I wasn't so lucky!! Sorry to hear you're a belly sleeper - lucky for me I have always slept on my side - so being preggo didn't change anything there!! Hopefully you will be able to find comfortable positions without being on your belly - just pile the pillows all around you - behind your back, under your belly, etc...that's what I did!!