Making her wave--he still thinks she's a toy sometimes.

Matthew's smile is perfect. I just wish Esther was looking at the camera.

She looks so worried here :(

He loves to hold his baby sister :)

Dressed for church one morning

I love girl jeans. They always seem to have some kind of flowers or something else cute embroidered on them. These were from Once Upon a Child, a second hand clothing store, and I happened to have a onsie to match it.

If only Matthew hadn't moved.

She can be a drool factory sometimes. It'll only get worse when teeth start popping through those pink gums.

One of her favorite places to sleep. I've been putting her in her crib more often for naps. It's not as convenient, since all three of us have to trudge upstairs and I have to remind Matthew to be quiet over and over while I rock her, but it's getting better. He now plays with his train set in his room and will only check on us maybe once.

She actually enjoys being on her tummy for several minutes. Matthew used to cry within seconds on his tummy time. I think it helps her reflux a little. Yeah, she's got some reflux at times, but it's not so severe that I feel she needs medicine. Overall she's very pukey. When it hurts when it comes up, that's when I feel bad for her. But she hasn't had it lately, so maybe we're seeing it taper off as she gets older.

I told Matthew to give her some toys, and I found this teether blanket on top of her and this rattle on her wrist like that. Well, at least she won't lose it :)

My friend Sharon made her this khaki skirt and a denim one just like it. Isn't it darling? Pants are easy on baby girls, and dresses are pretty of course, but I think I love skirts on my baby. She just looks so adorable in them!

What a height difference.
More pics to come!
Esther is so pretty and looking more and more like you. Good pics!
I agree Esther is so pretty & Matthew is so handsome, too! You make beautiful babies! They're both getting SO big! :)
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