1) Are you all unpacked and settled in?
2) How are you feeling these days?
In answer to the first one, I guess you could say we aren't completely unpacked, but we are settled. There's 3 boxes that are opened but not emptied. Mainly they have frames and wall hangings. We don't want to put too many things on the walls yet, because we plan to paint some rooms in the future. And speaking of that, we actually bought some color samples to try out on the wall. It's really neat, cause at Lowe's or Home Depot, you can buy a small can of paint for about $4 to see if you like the color. It's much better than buying a whole gallon and finding out you don't like the color on your wall after all.
One of the first rooms we plan to paint will be the nursery. It's got girly green and pink paint with some butterfly wallpaper. Cute for a little girl, but totally doesn't match the Mickey stuff I have for the nursery. And plus, Matthew's a boy and he's currently sleeping in that room, so we definitely need to neutralize it.
The other room I'd like to get done is the family room, where we spend most of our time. Matthew's toys are in there, the TV's in there, and it's right off the kitchen. I'm getting tired of the dark green walls that make the room look small. My plan is to have a western-themed room and to use sunset colors on the walls--a nice warm golden color for most of the walls, and some shade of orange for an accent wall. Then I'll slowly acquire appropriately themed things to hang on the walls and stuff. When I look things up on the Internet, I find a lot of really rustic or outdoorsy things that you'd find in a log cabin or in Texas. I don't want to go that far with this style. Just some touches here and there, since Josh and I both like out West.
And in answer to the second question, I unintentionally lied to people this weekend. Between a graduation party and church, a lot of friends asked how I was feeling with morning sickness, and I said something along these lines: "I'm feeling better. Some mornings weren't the greatest, but those are starting to go away." I think I cursed myself, cause today I threw up. I threw up one morning last week, and seriously those were the first times I threw up because of a pregnancy. So I've been very fortunate, cause I know some women are sick for the entire 9 months! Anyway, hopefully the morning sickness really is going away and not becoming worse. It's fun to be pregnant, but not all the symptoms are enjoyable.
Matthew's had some little quirks lately. For some reason, once Josh comes home, Matthew suddenly becomes Mommy's little sidekick. He wants me to hold him, and he'll cry if I leave the room. He's not like that the rest of the day, though he does have his needier days like all babies/toddlers have. I hope it's a phase he passes through quickly. Another quirk that's developed lately is his refusal to eat some foods. He used to love love love yogurt, but now he only takes a few bites and he doesn't want anymore. And applesauce he won't even touch it seems. I've tried canned fruit that comes in chunks, but he's not thrilled with that either. He used to love fruit as a baby, but now all he wants is crackers crackers and more crackers. The whole not-eating-fruit thing is starting to affect him. You know how yogurt and/or fruit makes you regular? Well guess what, if you don't eat that stuff, you can get constipated, which is what's happening to him. I can only explain it to him so much, cause he doesn't get the concept that eating these foods will help him go. Again, hopefully it's just a phase that he passes through quickly.
In other Matthew news, he's graduated from destructo-boy to Bob the Builder. What I mean is, you know how all babies love to watch you stack blocks or build a tower, only so they can knock it down? Well, now he actually tries to build things and stack stuff on top of each other. He also finally crawls regular now. Remember how he only army crawled? Now he only does that if he's on the linoleum floor in the kitchen. Once he gets to carpet, he's on all fours, and he moves pretty fast too. He's learning new sign language words too: milk, eat, hot, change (for a diaper change), and he tries to say the word hot when he does the sign for it. He also can say "ha-ha" (sounds like laughter) and he's pretty good at saying "cracker." Now if someone else heard him, they might not have a clue as to what he's saying. But I guess since I'm with him all day, it's easier for me to understand him.
That's all I've got for you for now, but I promise I do have more to post. I'm a little behind on my blogging. I've got some videos, and more pictures of Matthew, and I even took some pics of the house. Not many, but some. Patience, grasshopper.
That picture of Matthew under glass is adoreable! What a little cutie!
Happy Birthday to Josh!!
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