I think I look bigger in this picture than I am in real life. There are some days that I turn sideways and look, and I'm like, Man, I don't look pregnant at all! And there are other days where I look like I'm halfway there and I can't fit into regular clothes. Regardless of how I look, I've got 3 months down and 6 more to go. Morning sickness is virtually nonexistent now (whoo-hoo!), and so my appetite is back to normal. I seem to crave not-so-healthy things, but don't worry. I don't usually fulfill those urges. Mostly cause those things aren't in the house anyway, and it's a waste of gas and money to drive to the store to pick up only one or two things that I would consume in 3 minutes. See? I can talk myself out of eating junk food...sometimes ;)
Most of the time I need to eat every few hours. Basically, when Matthew gets a snack, so does Mommy :) Of course sometimes I eat when he doesn't, cause I feel like I'm gonna faint or throw up if I don't devour the closest cracker or granola bar. My back's beginning to be sore too. I remember it hurting during my first pregnancy, but not this soon. It's probably cause I have Matthew to pick up and carry around and such. He's heavy, so I'm sure the extra stress on my muscles is why I'm in pain now.
Speaking of Matthew, he's doing well. He's not walking yet. In fact, he has no desire to try to walk on his own. Once we encourage him to do it, he catches on fast, and he'll have none of it. He better be walking by the time this new baby comes, cause I am not hauling around a toddler and a newborn jellybean 24/7. By the way, we call this new baby Jellybean. Mainly because in the ultrasound, he/she looked like the shape of a jellybean, so that's that. We called Matthew Fishy, do you remember? But that wasn't cause he looked like a fish. I just thought that was a cute name.
Matthew was sick this weekend. Thursday night he woke up with a fever and was up a few more times that night. Friday brought the runny nose and congestion. And to top it off, he has a cough that bugs him. Maybe even a sore throat, cause when he coughs, he acts like it hurts or it's uncomfortable. Poor little guy! You know how sometimes your kid gets a cold, but they don't act like they feel bad? Well, that wasn't the case this time. He was miserable, and you could tell. His naps were short (40 and 20 minutes), and he ate practically nothing. He had no opposition to drinking, so we kept the fluids coming. We cut back on the milk, since it worsened his congestion, and we upped the water and juice. He was so pitiful. He would sit with us on the couch and cuddle for a long time and watch TV. He started to feel better on Sunday. Saturday night was a good sign, because he slept all night and there was no fever. So now he's on the mend. Still has the physical cold symptoms (runny nose and cough), but his appetite is returning, which is usually a good sign. Josh was great while Matthew was sick. He volunteered to get up with him Friday night so I could get some sleep. I'd been with him all day, and it was a much-appreciated break. And then I took care of Matthew in the morning while Josh slept in. It's times like these that make me so grateful for the man I married. We are a good team, and I love working side by side with him.
Hey, our anniversary is in 2 days. I have to get a little sentimental, don't I? :)
Nice long post! First of all in the 3 month belly pic you are absolutely glowing! Pregnancy definitely agrees with you! Glad your morning sickness is over. Sorry about your painful back though. I know my back hurt when I had to carry Steve around all during my pregnancy with you. Is Matthew looking for a car? I saw him looking @ the automotive section of the newspaper. LOL! ;) Poor Matty-boy having a cold. Glad his fever is gone but hope his other symptoms disappear soon, too. I LOVE that last pic of him sleeping in his carseat. Everytime I see pictures I can't wait to see your very first home! It looks really nice. When are you gonna post pics of each room? Happy early 4th anniversary! Did you get our card yet? Hope you get it in time.
Wow, you're coming up on 4 years?! That must mean we're coming up on 5! That really doesn't seem possible.
You look great with your three-month belly! I remember when we left PA I was 5 months along and you could barely tell, it was so disappointing, lol. I had to keep sending our friends there monthly belly pics so they'd actually believe I was pregnant! I'm sure it'll be different with successive pregnancies, that's what they say at least.
Matthew is getting so big. He looks so long in all of the pictures. Glad he's feeling better, sick babies are not a good thing :(.
You look great Mar! I'm sure you are really excited about ur new little addition!
Colds are the worst when they're young...he might be teething. Hope he's feeling better!
Congrats on ur 4th anniversary! We are celebrating our 3rd anniversary next month.
Happy Anniversary!! I recommend having Josh take you to the Melting Pot ;-)
Glad you are feeling better!! What is your actual due date? I know December - but I don't know if I ever knew when in December...
Nevermind my question about your due date - I found it on a previous post!! :-)
Awww, lookit your belly! *pats it* You look great, sis!
Glad you've mostly kicked the morning sickness, and learned how to deal with it when it does strike.
Matthew is getting so big! I can't wait to see him again.
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