Josh and I celebrated our 4th anniversary on Thursday. The day itself was kind of blah. Definitely not romantic. Josh obviously had to work and we quickly opened our cards to each other over a quick dinner because we had a viewing to attend. Plus on the way to the church, Matthew had diarrhea, and that was oh so much fun to clean up (ugh!) But Friday was a whole new day. It signaled the beginning of the weekend, and my cool husband brought home these roses called passion roses. They had these hues of pinks and oranges and yellows, kind of like a sunset. Anyway, as you can see below they were beautiful.
We really looked forward to Saturday. Josh's sisters and one of their friends came over to babysit Matthew so he and I could go on a date. Boy, when was the last time we went on a date? It's been a while. I know I know, you need to set aside consistent time to go on dates to strengthen your marriage, yadda yadda. I know all that, but in reality, it's hard to make that time, am I right? For one, you're just so tired sometimes, and the effort to plan a date and arrange a babysitter and find time to actually follow through with your plans can be tricky. On top of that, going out means your activities are most likely going to cost money (there's no such thing as a free lunch, as the saying goes). I'm not trying to sound like a stick in the mud, but really folks, this is real life. Anyway...
Real life for us on Saturday was a fun date. We went to Ruby Tuesdays for lunch, where we both got the salad bar and a chicken pasta dish. Josh ordered a pomegranate lemonade that sounded like it would be good, but it was really strong. Not the greatest, but you live and learn, right? After we were thoroughly full, we headed to the movie theatre, which again, hadn't done in forever. I think that last thing we saw together was either the newest Indiana Jones movie or Transformers, whichever came out most recently. We saw the new Star Trek, and folks, it was really really good. If you're a Star Trek fan (and why would you see it if you weren't), then you would like this. We had our doubts, seeing as it's a completely different cast playing these iconic characters, but they more than pulled it off. Josh's favorite was McCoy. The guy did so amazing, down to the facial expressions and tone of voice and classic phrases ("I'm a doctor, not a physicist!"). For me, it was a toss up between McCoy and Kirk. I thought Chris Pine (who played Kirk) did so well at capturing a young James T. Kirk. He also delivered voice tones and actions that were reminiscent of the original Kirk. Hm, I sound like a movie critic or something. But yeah, it was very well done, and I would go see a sequal when and if there is one.
Which brings us to Sunday, Father's Day. When Matthew woke up, Josh brought him into our room to hang out on the bed (we often do that on the weekends). Josh opened his cards and I gave him a gift, a framed pic of him and Matthew for his office. Then we all got ready and headed to Bob Evans for breakfast, the best place for breakfast, in our opinion. Matthew ate like 2 bites of his pancakes, but despite that setback, he was well-behaved and played with a spoon, a straw, the crayons, and the papers and kid's menu to color on. I actually got a picture of both of them smiling. I tell ya, it's so hard to get Josh to smile for pictures. It's like pulling teeth ;).
We were late for Sunday School, which we knew would happen, but we were ok with that. A yummy breakfast for Father's Day was just what the Daddy in our family needed. A men's quartet from Trinity Baptist College was at church, so we enjoyed some music before the preaching. And since our pastor was away because of a death in the family, we were privileged to hear our youth pastor speak. I know the teens get to hear him all the time, but we adults don't. And he's a good preacher, so the morning service was very nice.
Evening service was cancelled because of the holiday. For dinner I managed to prepare pulled pork. Josh says I'm turning into a southerner :). I was nervous because I'd never made it before, and it seemed like a daunting task. But the recipe seemed simple, and that gave me confidence. Praise the Lord for crockpots! I think the slow cooker had more to do with it tasting good than the cook did. After our food settled, we joined up with some friends from church at Coldstone and took advantage of the Free-ice-cream-for-Dads-on-Father's-Day coupons. Josh got blueberry ice cream (his current fav) and I got mint. You were expecting me to get chocolate, weren't you? Well, the last time I was at Coldstone I got mint ice cream with graham cracker crust mixed in, and it was so delicious I just had to get it again. Don't worry, there will be other days for chocolate. I have not abandoned it forever :)
We had a great weekend. Plenty to do, but not overwhelmingly so. Couple time, and time as a family. Good food and church fellowship. What more could you ask for?