Below is a picture of all the clothes I got at Once Upon a Child. The sale was to fit everything you could into a bag they give you at the door, and you pay $15 for it all. I mostly got things for Esther, since she was outgrowing her 3 month stuff. I got her some dresses, jeans, summer clothes, sleepers, and for Matthew I got a pair of shorts and a button down shirt. We made out pretty good I think.

This comic was in Parade a couple weeks ago, and it made me laugh, so I thought I'd share. It says
I got confused between a "high five" & a "fist bump," & punched a guy in the face.
These were my flowers for Valentine's Day this year, 20 white tulips. And my frugal husband only paid $10 for them!
One Saturday we drove around on some errands. This is what our kids looked like in the back seat.

And a few church pictures. Matthew loves to drive around a choo-choo, or in this case, a bus. He also likes the slide.

When Esther's not eating or crying, she likes to hang out in the crib and check out the mobile.

On Sunday nights we gather round the TV and eat mac 'n' cheese and either hot dogs or chicken nuggets. And yeah, it's not the healthiest, and we may die younger, but boy, what a way to go--mac 'n' cheese is the best!

Even Esther watches TV, in her own interesting way.
I have a few more videos to show, and then I think I'll be caught up. I haven't had much luck loading them, so you may not ever see them :)
Let's see, what else haven't I told you yet? I sang a solo in my church for the first time. I've been in the choir for a couple months now, so that helped me get warmed up for singing in front of people. No matter how old I get, I think I will always be nervous before I sing.
Josh and I went shopping at The Children's Place one night, and they'd marked down a bunch of winter clothes. I'd already shopped there several weeks ago, and I didn't want to buy stuff that I'd already gotten. We did get pants and a shirt for Matthew, a snowsuit for Esther, and 2 Christmas dresses. Hear that, Grammy and Gramma? Esther doesn't need any Christmas dresses for next year. The ones I got were $1.99 each!
Esther is officially 3 months old, and I need to start planning Matthew's 2 year birthday party! An abbreviated update, but that's pretty much life with 2 kids under 2. Everything has to be shortened or limited to the time frames I'm given each day, which can vary greatly throughout the week. Until later!