Yesterday was Monday, and the day definitely had some Monday moments to it. Matthew woke up crying, which is unusual for him. He always talks to himself and waits for someone to come get him. Then he was fussing while I changed his diaper and wanted me to hold him. And I was thinking, Oh great, I can see how this day is gonna be. But I decided to stay positive and determined to keep my cool no matter how he acted. We sat on the couch for a few minutes, and then he asked for breakfast. We made our way to the highchair and he drank half a cup of milk and said he was all done. I couldn't believe he didn't want anything to eat. Then he started crying again and wanted me to hold him. So I obliged, and we cuddled on the couch for a little while. Then he began to play with his toys for a bit and slowly got out of his bad mood. He ended up eating breakfast at like 9:15 or 9:30.
We did our grocery shopping in the morning, and he was good in the store. His nap was after lunch, and he woke up grumpy from that. Now that's not as surprising, cause that's a little more common. But again, he got out of his bad mood and was pleasant again.
Even though he had these 2 grouchy moments in the day, I can't help thinking back and being thankful for the day we had together. He was such a good and sweet boy, and I just enjoyed being with him. My ankles were really swollen, and I told him I had to lay on the couch and put my feet up. And he was so good about it. He played on his own, and I had the privilege to just observe him: his personality, his sense of humor, his imagination. I found myself chuckling several times. Then he came over to me and wanted to play together, which we managed to do. He'd bring some books over for me to read to him. And he also slid over his basket of cars so we could do that together. We drove them all over the couch and across my belly--it was lots of fun. He also "cooked" for me, and I got to taste his creations. His toy bears got a taste too.
Whenever I had to work in the kitchen, again he was a good boy. He grabbed his walker and was literally running back and forth across the kitchen and having the best time. He would laugh to himself and say "crash!" whenever he got to one end.
I love my little boy so much. It's so easy to get wrapped up in errands and cooking dinner and doing laundry that I forget to enjoy my son sometimes, you know what I mean? Sometimes the day just gets away from me, and I have to look back and think, Did I even make eye contact with him for more than a few minutes? And then there's the days where I want to pull my hair out because he is frustrating me beyond belief. But Monday was not one of those days. And I want to remember it for a long time.
Enjoy him while he's young as once he starts school the years will fly by. Before you know it he'll be off to college. It seems like you blink your eyes & the years go by! I know I wish I had all you kids back home if just for 1 day! :))
I think the same thing sometime: what quality time did I spend with Micah today? I've gotten so I plan an "activity" two or three times a week and make a point to read with him twice a day and/or read aloud to him while he's playing and eat meals with him (it's easier to do things while he's trapped!) and take the time to explain random things to him. Something so he's not just in the background while life goes by!
There's been days where I've been so busy that I really didn't spend any quality time w/ him. On those days after dinner is my time w/ him until he goes to bed. But I do enjoy being able to be home w/ him!!!
Did I mention what a great picture of you & Matthew it is? It is! :)
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