Well, my husband and I recently found out that we are pregnant! I took a home pregnancy test, and we almost didn't want to believe it at first. It's hard to put your trust in one simple little stick, you know? But we took a second test, and the doctor confirmed it as well. So now we are embarking on this journey to parenthood, and I feel a lot of different things. I'm excited to start this new chapter in my life, and I feel scared that I will mess up royally. I'm eager to experience the new things that are happening to me, yet I doubt if I'll be able to handle the challenges. But mostly I'm grateful. Grateful that God has allowed me to carry one of His own into the world. And then He's entrusted me to care for him and raise him with the help of my dear husband.
It's kind of weird to think that there's another life growing inside me. And that life depends on me for his survival. It's funny, but back when I'd try to diet and eat right, it was hard to be consistent and pick the better foods. But now that I know someone's in there counting on me, I find it a little easier. It's easier for me to eat peaches and grapefruit instead of snickers bars and ice cream. Of course, that could always change, but at least for now I am craving things that are better for my little Fishy.
Yes, I like to call him/her my little Fishy, since I don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet. I thought it worked well. He's floating around in there, and when he starts to move arms and legs he'll be swimming, like a little fishy.
And I do mean little. Right now he's only 7.7cm in length. I know that from the first ultrasound I had the other day. I'm eight weeks along, and already he looks like a little baby all curled up. Isn't he cute?

Eventually I'll post pictures of my belly, but right now there's nothing to show. That will change over the next nine months!

We're soooooo excited you finally caved!!!! Congrats again! We can hardly wait to be an uncle and aunt again! We love you guys! Have fun at Disney!
I was wondering when you would start a blog...yay! Can't wait to hear all the new, exciting news as it happens.
Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!
I'm so glad you decided to start a blog--I think you'll be really glad you have this record to look back on later. :)
When did you and Josh get those pics done? It's a really nice one!
Fishy is adorable! I'm so looking forward to hearing all about your pregnancy. :)
Yayyyyyyyyyyy, Mary! I'm so glad you started a blog now! Yes, Fishy is soooooo cute! Whose side of the family does Fishy look like? Have a wonderful time @ Disney! Love that pic of you & Josh! Can I have a copy? I hope you enjoy being pregnant as much as I did! I always felt so healthy!
Hey!! I'm so glad you started a blog!! Eden got me started - it's pretty addictive (at least for me). Brad and I are so excited for you and Josh (and fishy!). We'll be praying for a healthy and happy pregnancy!!
If you want to add me to your list here's our blog:
Congratulations to you both. What great news!
Blessings from Costa Rica
Mary and Josh,
I am so happy for you! Congratualations! Looking forward to hearing about your journey into motherhood!
Lisa DiPietro Younger
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