Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Allergy Update

We took Matthew to see an allergist yesterday so they could review his blood work and give us more insight into what we should and shouldn't feed him. They also tested him for some more nuts and foods. The skin prick test was so much better than getting his blood drawn. For one Josh was there to hold him and I could be in his face and let him know everything was ok. They pricked his back 11 times, but each one was short and looked like it would feel like a pinch from somebody. He didn't have to be held down, and he didn't freak out like when his blood was taken. He did cry and squirm, but the nurse could catch the moments that he held still. He did a great job and in a few minutes was asking to play a game on daddy's cell phone.

We already know he's allergic to cashews, so they didn't test him on that, but peanuts are a danger, and egg whites are a slight concern. Pistachios are very close to cashews, and we were advised to stay away from those. The doctor told us that when it comes to others taking care of him, it's safer to tell them across the board to not give him any nuts. As he gets older and he gets more responsible, we can allow the safe nuts into his diet. And he said to stay away from omelets and mayonnaise. He'll go back every 6 months and then every year to get retested to see if he's outgrown some allergies.

So just so ya'll know, no nuts, no peanut butter period. And as for boxes that say "may contain nuts" or "processed in a plant with nuts," the doc told us to find an alternative on the shelf. But he also said the chances of him getting sick with those types of foods is very slim. Again, being on the extra safe side.

He was a very nice doctor that spoke honestly with us and let us ask any question we had. Josh and I are making sure we don't talk about Matthew missing out on stuff in front of him, cause we don't want him to feel bad. Essentially he's not missing out on much. What's a few nuts deleted from your diet anyway, right? And he's not big on eggs for breakfast. We're also not big nut eaters to begin with. Now I will miss pb 'n' j's, and Matthew does love peanut butter cups, but again, trying not to highlight what he's missing out on.

We were also prescribed the epi-pen jr. with a DVD instructional for us to watch. They even give you a training epi-pen, so you can practice with it. I'm glad I have a peace of mind now that I have more knowledge of the do's and don'ts of what Matthew can eat. And I feel more comfortable that I have the epi-pen to take of him in an emergency.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Half Family Trip

Esther and I flew to the New England area for my Grampa's funeral this past weekend. He wanted me to sing for it, so I always knew I would make the time to attend, no matter how far away I was. Esther came with cause she's still so young to be gone a long time from me (and cause I'm still nursing her), and Josh and Matthew played bachelor for the weekend. I didn't come home until Tuesday, so my mom-in-law watched Matthew so Josh didn't have to take some time off work.

Esther's first airplane ride. She loved looking out the window.

I let her out of the Bjorn during the plane ride, and she had fun with the tray table, the magazines, and crawlilng all over me to charm the passengers in front of and behind us.

A short layover, but we had some time for her to stretch her legs and get around.

My brother-in-law and my sis picked me up from the airport, and my niece Ari was so excited to meet "Baby Esther." She even picked out a special toy monkey for her to play with while we were there.

Esther hanging out with her Auntie Sara.

I got to see my brother and sister-in-law as well, so Esther got to meet another cousin, Micah.

Sucking her thumb on Grampa's lap. She does that when she's tired or when I'm holding her.

Look at that one-tooth grin. She looks like a hick or something. That other front tooth did pop through recently, but you can't see it yet.

Here's trouble waiting to happen. Josh told me it's like a mini-Sara and a mini-Mary.

On the way to the burial site, my grampa's fire station saluted and sounded a bell as the hearse drove by. It was a really neat moment.

Ari being cute in the car.

Esther was definitely tired of being in a car seat by the end of the trip, but I managed to catch her pretty content with this book.

Gramma and Grampa hung out at the airport before my flight to spend some extra time with us.

And so ends my whirlwind weekend. It was weird not having Josh and Matthew there, but it was so nice to go home to them. Life has gotten back to normal for the most part. Esther's been catching up on some much-needed Z's, and Matthew's cold, which was hanging on for 2 weeks, finally seems to be going away. We did get some antibiotics for him though, since we had him checked and they found an ear infection in one ear. And Josh is busy at work and growing a beard for our church's Christmas cantata.

For those who don't get to see us very much, I'm sorry for my absence in blog land. But if you have or ever have had more than one little kid to take care of, you can understand how little time I have to sit in one spot and get something done, like blogging. I know there's a lot I've missed putting up here, so I might back track a little, but it may be easier to just move on from here. And to give you a little more frame of reference, Matthew is now 2 1/2 and Esther is 10 months old. Happy weekend, everybody!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

One Video at a Time...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Overdue Pics

We've been busy and blogger seems slow sometimes -- but enough excuses. Please enjoy our pics!

Matthew is a little puzzled

Esther sitting pretty

Peek a boo!

The cousins!

Just being cute!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Garage Sale Finds

Today was Saturday, our community's garage sale day. There were quite a few, and we used the stroller and walked to some that were near our house. Then we jumped in our van for a few reasons: 1) it was too far to walk, 2) Esther would nap in the van, and 3) rain was coming.

We made out pretty good, and the kids did well also. Esther ended up sleeping for about an hour during our journey, and Matthew loved getting out to walk around and "play" with the toys. Here's what we got..

The clothes are all for Esther, a 3T summer outfit, an 18 month dress, an 18 month sweater, and a knit hat complete with clip-on flower. Then there's 3 pairs of shoes for Essie and 1 for Matthew. 2 of those pairs are Stride Rite (aka expensive shoes) and I got em for a dollar each. Then there's a potty seat, a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse toy (we got that one for free!) and 3 books (one of which was free also).

Step 2 picnic table for $15.

Kitchen for free! Just out by someone's mailbox, begging for us to pick it up. It didn't come with dishes, but Matthew's got some play food already, and I'm sure Esther will get some play dishes or something for Christmas.

The clubhouse is pretty cool. It makes all sorts of sounds and noises. Matthew had fun exploring the options, and Esther was equally interested. Yeah, so for free, right? It was raining, and I hopped out of the car to look at what this house had. They were bringing things into the garage, and I brought the clubhouse in for them so I could look at it while I was dry. And the lady says, "I'm taking all these things to goodwill, so take whatever you want." I guess she wasn't into making any cash, or perhaps the rain discouraged her efforts. I don't really care, it was awesome for us!

This rocking chair is so darling for the kids. $5 folks. It needed a small repair, but Josh took care of that for us.

Ok, she's not quite big enough for it, but she still looked cute :)

All in all, we spent under $30. Then we came home for lunch and naps, and we had dinner at Bob Evans tonight. Yes, it was a good Saturday.

Oh, and one more cute pic from earlier this week.

The messy solid food has begun!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

March, Part 2

Blogger is being so dumb. I had to upload all these pics twice cause they didn't go the first time. Ugh. Anyways, here is more of March, though when I looked at the dates, some of them are actually the end of February and and the beginning of April, but whatever. It's all around the same time.

Love his smile here.

Remember the previous post when Esther was hanging out with Grammy at Hannah's b-ball game? Well, Poppa had a little sidekick that day.

That was a long day for him, and he promptly fell asleep in the car. I had to get this close-up. Just look at those eyelashes!

For a few weeks he was very into lifting up his shirt for everyone, even at church during Missions Conference.

Esther trying out the exersaucer for the first time.

And later that evening she was so tired out that she just fell asleep on the floor like that. And we hadn't even left the room. I was reading a magazine on the couch and Josh and Matthew were playing together. She totally wouldn't do that now. Matthew is so interesting to her, and she doesn't want to miss a second of whatever it is he's up to.

He fell on the driveway the night before his birthday party. He had a nice egg for a couple weeks, but the scratches healed up nicely.

I don't know why this is upside down, but isn't this dress darling? :)

She gave me a nice smile one night as we wandered around Lowes for a few things. Josh had Matthew in the cart.

Sucking on the bjorn before we went outside with Matthew to play. I'm telling ya, everything goes in this kid's mouth.

Just looking cute.

We had a swingin' time!

Next up, pictures from Matthew's birthday party. Although if blooger is being a pain, I may just put them on facebook. Either way, I'm slowly getting caught up.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

March, Part 1

Esther was 3 months old in March.

Hanging out with Grammy at Aunt Hannah's b-ball game.

Looks like she's trying to roll her eyes here.

Chilling with Daddy.

Esther's friend Emma was born this month, so she got to meet her in the hospital.

Profile of a happy face.

Matthew loves to color...

...and Esther likes to watch him do so. She's lately not cared for the pacifier and chooses her thumb instead.

Quirky face :)

Me and my kids.

He still likes to hold her, but now she's more squirmy in his arms. He's recently opted for having her sit next to him on the couch.

She looks so surprised that I'd take a picture of her.

Oh yeah, I had a birthday. Matthew loved all the candles, and apparently so did I ;)

Josh's parents came over to celebrate too.

Love this mother/daughter shot.

A church morning, most likely.

Big smile for Mommy.

Matthew loves to be outside. This is him up in his play set thingy.

All set for a car ride.

Matthew's ready too.